Shootmail for Apps

Embed Shootmail email builder in your apps natively

Pre-built blocks

Pre-built blocks like button, image, logo, signature etc. Insert with the popular / command.

Save and load templates

Export templates in JSON or HTML format, save them in database and load them later.

Responsive and compatible

Templates are responsive, support dark mode and are supported on major clients like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.

Easy to integrate

Shootmail email builder is light and easy to integrate into your app, with just a few lines of code. It is framework agnostic.

Intergrate in 2 mins

Intergrate Shootmail in your app natively in 2 easy steps

shootmail for apps installation command shootmail for apps installation command

Save and load your templates easily

You can save the templates in database and load them later

# Save your template



# Load your template


Framework Agnostic

Integrate in NextJS, Remix, SvelteKit, NuxtJS or vanilla JS

Get Shootmail for Apps