Order has been placed successfully after the sucessful payment with feedback
Template ID: zlrnotksyosmwko
Send a confirmation to the customer that their free trial has started.
Template ID: yyknbexjixfeqok
Send one time password (OTP) to your users for any purpose.
Template ID: jljowhfehdrgkrc
Send a confirmation mail that password has been reset
Template ID: kgcjctkyjcberch
Reset password instructions
Template ID: qqzfzbndzhojfon
Nudge the user to complete signup
Template ID: mkliepszbydamgl
Send mail to customer confirming that their subscription has been paused
Template ID: ihtehjssbwprqro
Send a order confirmation mail with the product and payment details to the customer
Template ID: netdqkjoxyqhhjp
Send intimation to the customer that their card could not be charged, they need to update payment information
Template ID: qqmpaqxkrlkqbhh
Share a discount coupon to the customer to create FOMO
Template ID: qyieafaeopbybqw
Announce the launch of your product, offer a discount to signup or share app download links
Template ID: wdzpljeqdbcxxkh
Share product updates and new feature announcements with customers
Template ID: jfweewgrokbiwkf
Welcome email with minimal design, guiding customers on next steps to take
Template ID: oedjeygpowdtjqx
Take feedback from your existing customers
Template ID: yetqyjsrajydddi
Send a confirmation mail to the user joining the waitlist
Template ID: tpnekqmxchmhhdf